Sunday, June 16, 2013


Happy Fathers day to all the men out there; who said I mistakenly impregnated her,it must have also being a mistake chasing the babe for months before getting her into your front door. Happy fathers day also to all the men who spend the weekends hanging out with the boys,of course those boys outings are more important than the children;no wait we understand,its an avenue to discuss business. Let's not forget to wish the men that has turned the mothers of their children into punching bags;afterall they are raising sons that might batter women or might be too scarred emotionally that they get confused about their sexual orientation. Won't we raise our glasses to the men that believe that a wayward child belongs to the mum and the one with 1st class honours has only his dna. I will like to close by giving the highest honour of the night (P.A.I) papa awuf international, to the men who doesn't consider the well being of their daughters but hurriedly give them out to the highest bidder, in exchange for a new television set and some bottles of imported "Cameroon" gin.(my Cameroon family,love you to bits) Wish them happy fathers day too,afterall there is a different between a father and a papa! Shalom,Sista Bola.


  1. Nice toast to Fathers, sista Bola. Almost man assumes he is a father. Pray God will open their eyes. My FB status today actually was "Been seeing all these Father's Day greeting all day and, while I wish d real fathers a gr8 day, I hope u all know that having a penis and being able to get a woman pregnant is not what makes a guy a father o....#justsayingitasitis#"

    God bless u ma.

  2. Nice one....thanks for talking about what a father should not be.
